Pumais Due imposed, from the 70s, under the direction of its historic founder and CEO Renato Izzo, a new way of dubbing. The Italian actors had suddenly began to speak with the same simplicity and effortlessness of Al Pacino, Marlon Brando, Dustin Hoffmann, Robert De Niro, Silvester Stallone, Gene Hackmann.
Pumais Due is one of the most prestigious and renowed dubbing companies operating in Italy. Due to the experience and the professionalism of its translators, adaptors, dubbing directors, actors, assistants and mixing engineers the firm guarantees high quality products.
Today, the ‘American’ sound promoted by Renato Izzo, considered the most renowned dubbing expert with more than 1100 American movies dubbed, continues to develop with the new generations.
In Fact, Simona, Rossella e Giuppy Izzo follow Renato’s tradition and take care, with Francesco Venditti, of maintaining the name of Pumais Due; while Fiamma Izzo, is today one of the most affirmed and well-known dubbing directors at an International level.